Hi! My name is Melissa and I am the owner of Satin Life.
What is Satin Life? Satin Life, simply put, is a collection of satin and other products to help make your life a little easier. I created this shop to bring products to a specific customer base. My customer's struggle daily with their hair, and are looking for products that can make their life a little easier, and give them their time back.
We all want to look our best, at all times. But sometimes with the pull of work, family and other priorities, we have the tendency to spend less time on ourselves than we do other people.
The products I have were put together to hopefully ease that burden and help you make the most of your time.
I myself have naturally curly hair and I have struggled my entire life to "tame" it. This is what inspired me to open this store. I hope you will enjoy the products I have to offer.
I have several other products that are currently either in the final design stage or in production and will be added soon. So stay tuned!
I am located in the state of Kentucky, and almost all of my products are made either by myself, or at a small manufacturing facility in Nepal. I have high quality standards and want only the best for myself and my customers. This is why I chose Purnaa as my manufacturer.
Purnaa is an ethical contract garment manufacturer in Kathmandu, Nepal with a social mission to empower those most marginalized by society to fresh starts and fulfilled lives. They produce premium garments and accessories, primarily women's and children's wear, in a beautiful, “not-a-sweatshop”, manufacturing unit. They are passionate about quality manufacturing, environmental sustainability, and making Purnaa a great place to work. You can find more information and a direct link to their website by visiting the Blog Page, and checking out the article about them!
If you have any questions or comments, please shoot me an email through our contact page!
Thanks and have a wonderful satin life!